Cinema Display Retina/HiDPI Mode
How to Force HiDPI on a Cinema Display
How do you simulate a retina display on a 27" Cinema Display? The main tool used to accomplish this SwitchResX. This will allow for custom resolutions and enabling HiDPI for those resolutions. I'm using a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) model with the Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB for reference.
A current (2015) . . .
Posted in: os x
Here's to new adventures
2002 Honda Shadow VLX VT600C
I've ridden dirt bikes my entire life and I thought now was as good a time as any to pick up something for the road. I found a great deal on a 2002 Honda Shadow VLX VT600C from a nice person named Willy out of Hot Springs, SD.
Today's ride took me out to Deadwood, SD.
Safe travels out there.
Posted in: motorcyclesouth dakota
Getting started with Ruby on Rails 4.2.0
with Ruby 2.1.5
- Ruby: latest version at writing is 2.1.5
Getting Started
First ensure you're running the version of ruby you're expecting and not an ancient version like anything before Ruby 2.0.
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13 revision 48405) [x86_64-darwin14.0]
Install Rails . . .
Denver Vacation
In which our protagonist spends a relaxing week with his wife, Laura, and their friends Kittie and Danny
Laura drove out early so I got to fly out on Southwest after taking a taxi up to Omaha. I got to the airport so early that I had time to have lunch at The Hanger and enjoy a fine beer before boarding. I forgot how much I dislike free-for-all seating on Southwest, even though the rest of the experience is fine. You really get . . .
Apple's Multi-Device Workflow Needs to Be Razed and Rebuilt From the Ground Up
Thanks to Merlin Mann for the exquisite narrative.
Apple was really big on the “Back to the Mac” in 2010 and while iCloud has brought so much unification to the mac workflow there is still plenty of room for improvement. iPhone syncing piggybacked off of iPod syncing through iTunes and we can certainly understand why Apple . . .
Hate-reads and How For-profit Sites Work
The way to stop supporting terrible media is to stop watching or reading it
Marco talking about Ariel Meadow Stalling’s post:
The way to stop supporting terrible media is to stop watching or reading it.
The corollary: Why are you consuming terrible media?
Link-baiting articles are a blight, and the only way for change is by people voting with their clicks. There’s plenty of sites . . .
Guitar Practice Tips From John Petrucci
One thing I miss about private guitar lessons is learning small exercises that improve your hands’ dexterity and agility. John Petrucci of Dream Theater fame has two excellent articles over at Guitar World that are really solid.
His advice on practicing is spot on:
Of all the things that can frustrate a guitarist the most, . . .