Hate-reads and How For-profit Sites Work
The way to stop supporting terrible media is to stop watching or reading it
Marco talking about Ariel Meadow Stalling’s post:
The way to stop supporting terrible media is to stop watching or reading it.
The corollary: Why are you consuming terrible media?
Link-baiting articles are a blight, and the only way for change is by people voting with their clicks. There’s plenty of sites I just avoid because the article quality is so abysmal. Fiercely and confidently vet the sites you view. Maybe you’re winding up on the same trashy ‘news’ and ‘rumors’ site that’s plagued with distasteful ads and questionable editorial ethics and morals. Next time you’re tempted to click on a baiting headline, maybe look and see where it’s hosted first.
Related: I cut the cable cord years ago and haven’t looked back. In fact when I catch television at a friends house I’m more interested in the ads because they’re so terrible. It’s like a train wreck.
Ruby Forest Druid.