Bash one-liner to convert a directory of flac audio files to mp3 V0
$ for file in *.flac; do flac -cd "$file" | lame -h -V0 - "${file%.flac}.mp3"; done
V0 just because -b 320
can be rather silly.
On a Mac using Homebrew, just do the following:
$ brew install lame flac
Steve Jobs On Being Truly Satisfied With Your Job
It's like most of your day.
Reblogged for truth! Why settle for anything less?
If I could hug a quote, I would.
startupquote:Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what . . .
Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots - 2011 Rubyist's Guide to a Mac OS X Development Environment
giant robots smashing into other giant robots: 2011 Rubyist’s guide to a Mac OS X development environment
It’s been two and a half years since my last laptop. It’s neat to look back and see how much has improved since then for setting up a Ruby development environment.
Of particular note, . . .
Matt explains why you should keep your SSH keys on a new installation
Matt J.: it's like you have a specific call that you use to bring your falcon back to your arm
Matt J.: but then you go and buy a new jeep to get to the aviary
Matt J.: just because you have a new jeep, your falcon doesnt need a new call
Matt J.: he still knows the same call
source tiny robots cuddling other . . .
Imagine and Ocean Software Documentary
About this video:
In early 1984 the Imagine team were working on a spectacular project known as Bandersnatch. The game was to come in an A4 sized box containing around 30 ‘goodies’ including a required additional piece of hardware for your Spectrum computer. The retail price of Bandersnatch was expected to be . . .
Kung Fu Grippe - the (Imperfect) Art of Sending Sensitive Stuff
kung fu grippe: The (Imperfect) Art of Sending Sensitive Stuff
Securer file sharing with Dropbox « practically efficient
- Zip your files
- Put the zip file in your Dropbox ‘Public’ folder
- Email the file link, not the file
Great advice on sending sensitive stuff via Dropbox . . . .