Kittie Writes a Song
The corn city central
is where we play
corn city central
fructose all day
run that ball, plow that field
all the sugars is what we yield
This hymnal of corn, brought to you by
How Not to Sort by Average Rating
How Not To Sort By Average Rating
PROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to put the highest-rated stuff at the top and lowest-rated at the bottom. You need some sort of “score” to sort by.
The solution:
Algorithm . . .
Unsecured Mass Assignment Is Bad
A slew of github gists. I don’t understand why people don’t make these blog posts, I can only imagine the traffic they’re getting. Embedding gists is easy.
- Homakov shows us how he was able to compromise
- Jbarnette shows us how to make your Rails app warn on ActiveRecord::Base#update_attributes
- Wycats creates a . . .
The 10 Rules of a Zen Programmer
Seriously Zen. Topics include:
- Focus
- Keep your mind clean
- Beginners mind
- No ego
- There is no career goal
- Shut up
- Mindfulness. Care. Awareness
- There is no boss
- Do something else
- There is nothing special
I already see myself improving from some of these values.
. . .
Links #1
- Rails Went Off The Rails: Why I’m Rebuilding Archaeopteryx In CoffeeScript
- What’s the waiter doing with the computer screen?
- Skim Fat-free client-side templates with Slim and CoffeeScript
- “Crazy Deep” Rails 3.2 Example Apps and Tutorials
- Chaplin - “Chaplin is an example architecture for JavaScript applications using the . . .
Side-by-Side Markdown Editor and Previewer
Converting flac to alac using ffmpeg
In my last post I showed how to convert flac to mp3 using the lame encoder. In this post, I’ll show how to convert your flac audio files to ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec). The main reason to convert flac to alac is to preserve lossless audio files in iTunes and even play them on your iPod/iPhone, natively. All that you need is to install . . .